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Kisi-kisi UTS Semester 3 Binus IT 2008

Hi anak-anak semester 3 Binus TI 2008, Minggu-minggu UTP dan UTS uda deket n...
Nah untuk itu saya ingin mensharingkan kisi-kisi yang saya dapat dari berbagai sumber termasuk dosen saya hehe..btw kalo ada kisi-kisi lain, boleh disharingkan juga lewat comment di bawah posting ini ato ada file-file berguna boleh disharingkan sorce linknya..(lwt email jga blh krm ke cooldan88@gmail.com) maklum ini cuma blog ga bisa buat posting ha3...Akhir kata semoga dapat membantu dan terus cek blog ini, saya update terus koq kalo ada sumber baru ^^
1. D1030 Subandijo, M.Eng.
2. D2041 Jimmy Linggarjati, S.Kom, M.Sc.
1. Pilihan Ganda 10 soal 20%
2. Essay 4 soal 40%
○ Constructor/destructor
○ Reference vs pointer
○ Passing parameter (value, reference, address)
○ Modular function: inline/const function
3. Kasus 1 soal (coding) 40%
○ Class design
○ Definisi member function
○ Main function

Other Kisi2 :
1. ADT : a-e
2. Pointer & Reference
3. Identical Task Function
Naive approach
function Overloading
Function Template
4. Programming Skill
One Line Function
a. class time
b. Prototype function set_time(), get_time(), print_time()
definisi fungsi di luar class
c. main program

File-File :
Campuran PBO (New)
- random
- fungsi iomanip.h
- bikin menu
- validasi angka min dan max
- validasi panjang string min dan max
- mau mengulang program [y/t] ?
- aritmatika modulus
- array of integer, array of char (1 dimensi dan 2 dimensi) di atribut class
- typecasting tipe data
- bikin menu nya ada dibawah (pake endln beberapa kali)
- sintaks toupper, tolower
- sintaks isdigit, isalpha
- sintaks strcpy, strlen, strcmp (kata harus pake NULL dibelakangnya)
- sintaks itoa, atoi
- sintaks strtok

File-file contoh penerapannya Download di sini

Related Software :
- Textpad
- Borland C++
1. D1745 Ferdy Anthonius, Drs., S.Kom., MM.
2. D1743 Taufik Nugroho, SS., M.Hum.
1. TOEFL 200 – 211: Present and past participles, multiple clauses
2. TOEFL 224 – 226: Noun and adjective clause
3. TOEFL 368 – 378, 388 - 392: Reading
4. Market Leader Unit 3: Reading
1. D2425 Yasri, Ir., MT.
1. Pilihan Ganda
○ Definisi masalah, pseudocode, dan desk checking
○ Struktur kontrol
○ Modularity
○ Kohesi & kopling
○ Algoritma masalah bisnis, level control break, dan report
2. Essay
○ Kohesi & kopling
○ Merancang modul
3. Kasus
○ Algoritma bisnis

Files2 :
Kuis MPP + Jawaban(jawaban file di atas juga ada ^^)
1. D1638 Djati Hoesen Salimy, Ir., SE., M.Eng.
1. Essay 5 soal 100%
○ PD linier orde 1 Bernoulli
○ PD linier orde 2 non-homogen
○ Aplikasi PD linier orde 1 dan 2: rangkaian listrik/pertumbuhan
○ Sistem persamaan simultan
○ Transformasi laplace

Contoh Soal UTS Kalkulus
PD Linear Orde 2
Ringkasan Kalkulus
Ringkasan Kalkulus 2
Kalkulus Komplit

1. D0439 H. Imam Djajono, Ir., MM.
1. Essay 4 soal 40%
○ Perbedaan sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi
2. Kasus 3 soal 60%
○ Use case diagram 20%
○ PIECES 20%
○ ERD 20%
1. Siapakah yang dimaksud dengan system owners, system users, systems designer, dan
system analyst? Tulis jawaban Anda dengan jelas!
2. Ada dua faktor yang mendorong suatu usaha bisnis untuk mengembangkan sistem
informasi di perusahaan, yaitu dorongan bisnis dan dorongan teknologi. Jelaskan masingmasing
faktor itu!
3. Gambar dan jelaskan tahap-tahap siklus hidup dan pengembangan suatu sistem informasi
(SDLC) dan jelaskan pula produk berupa dokumen yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing
4. Ada empat strategi yang dapat ditempuh oleh perusahaan untuk mengembangkan sistem
informasinya, yaitu Model-Driven Development, Rapid Application Development,
Commercial Application Package Implementation serta Hybrid Strategy. Pilih salah satu
strategi dan jelaskan!
5. Untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi di perusahaan ada enam hal yang harus dicapai,
yang disingkat dengan PIECES. Jelaskan!
6. Untuk membangun sistem informasi, kita dapat membentuk suatu proyek yang terdiri dari
beberapa tim kerja. Ada delapan aktivitas penting pada proyek sistem informasi.
7. Apa saja penyebab kegagalan suatu proyek sistem informasi? Jelaskan!
8. Hitunglah berapa waktu yang Anda perlukan untuk menyelesaikan proyek yang Anda
pimpin dari data di bawah ini.
Task Optimistic
Most Likely
A 3 5 4 ?
B 1 3 2 ?
C 4 7 6 ?
D 2 5 3 ?
E 3 9 6 ?
F 3 3 3 ?
Total Duration ________
9. Metoda analisis sistem informasi terdiri dari lima tahap, yaitu menentukan lingkup, analisis
problema, analisis kebutuhan, perancangan logika, dan analisis keputusan. Pilih salah satu
tahap dan jelaskan lebih rinci!
10. Anda adalah junior system analyst yang sedang mengerjakan analisis di suatu perusahaan.
Saat ini Anda sedang mengumpulkan fakta-fakta. Uraikan teknik-teknik yang Anda gunakan
untuk menemukan fakta-fakta yang ada di perusahaan itu.
11. Kebutuhan sistem dapat dimodelkan dengan use case. Gambarlah use case diagram untuk
kegiatan yang diperlukan di suatu ATM.
12. Kegiatan suatu ATM dapat pula digambarkan dengan DFD. Buatlah DFD level-0 dan DFD
level-1 untuk proses yang ada di ATM!

Other Kisi2 :
4 soal essay (40%)
fact finding
model pengembangan sistem informasi
peranan analist

Kasus (60%)
use case diagram dan narasinya (20% + 10%)
ER Diagram (30%)

Files2 :
Contoh Normalisasi
Contoh Soal Anapersis Taon Lalu
Merge anapersis(NEW)

1. D1030 Subandijo, M.Eng.
2. D2207 Yeni Nuraeni, ST., M.Kom.
1. Essay 5 soal 100%
○ Time complexity (O(n))
○ Waktu proses terbaik, terburuk, rata-rata (f(n))
○ Algoritma & simulasi merge sort/quick sort
○ Metode greedy: minimum spanning tree
○ Metode greedy: Job sequence with deadline

Other Kisi2 :
1. Menghitung Kompleksitas Algo Bog O
2. Quick Sort : Dik Koding, Dit Treecall
3. Greedy Knapsack Problem
4. Mst Kruskal
5. Single Source SP
Algo Dikstra : Dik Graph, Dit Lintasan

File-File :
PAA Update
source :

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TextPad 5.2.0

Released: March 10, 2008

Publisher : Helios Software Solutions

Homepage : TextPad

License :

OS Support : Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP

TextPad is a full-featured text editor offering a spelling checker, macros, and powerful formatting and file-storage options. TextPad has been implemented according to the Windows XP user interface guidelines, so great attention has been paid to making it easy for both beginners and experienced users. In-context help is available for all commands, and in-context menus pop up with the right mouse button. The Windows multiple-document interface allows multiple files to be edited simultaneously, with up to two views on each file. Text can be dragged and dropped among files.

In addition to using the usual cut-and-paste capabilities, you can correct the most common typing errors with commands to change case, and you can transpose words, characters, and lines. Other commands let you indent blocks of text, split or join lines, and insert whole files. Any change can be undone or redone, right back to the first change made. Visible bookmarks can be put on lines, and edit commands can be applied to lines with bookmarks.

Frequently used combinations of commands can be saved as keystroke macros, and the spelling checker has dictionaries for 10 languages. It also has a customizable tools menu, and integral file-compare and -search commands, with hypertext jumps from the matched text to the corresponding line in the source file (ideal for integrating compilers).

Latest Changes :
  • New commands on the Window menu to arrange or tile document tabs in horizontal or vertical groups. Tabs can be dragged and dropped between groups
  • When the desktop theme is set to Windows Classic, TextPad automatically adopts that appearance, after it is restarted
  • Now available with the French and Japanese user interfaces
  • When a bookmark was placed on the last, empty line of a document, it was not scrolled into view by the Next/Previous Bookmark commands
  • On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, "Program Menu" was not checked unless TextPad had been installed for all users
  • The wrong font was used in the Tool Output window for DOS commands
    After opening a workspace, the focus should have been in the active document, rather than the Search Results or Tool Output window
  • The list of documents in the Document Selector was sometimes not displayed

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Yahoo Messenger 9.0

From Yahoo:

Yahoo Messenger is a free service that allows you to see when friends come online and to send them instant messages. It also can alert you to new e-mail in your Yahoo Mail or Yahoo Personals accounts, or when you have upcoming events recorded in your Yahoo Calendar. Yahoo Messenger offers firewall support, a standby mode that minimizes the program until an Internet connection is made, the ability to save and print your conversations, and a tabbed interface that provides quick access to your favorite stocks, news, and sports scores.

Other features include the ability to create a chat room automatically, stock price alerts, the ability to send messages to friends (even if they're not online when you are), a Quick Compact mode that hides the Messenger tools to maximize your viewing area, Messenger Themes, and voice chat, which allows you to talk for free to anybody else on the Internet. It also includes Launchcast Radio, Yahoo Games, and Yahoo Audibles. Using a Webcam, you can see who you're chatting with or view the Webcam of any Yahoo member who has granted you access.

Version 9.0 adds a redesigned interface, the ability to view Flickr photos and videos in the chat window, and friend importing from other e-mail and chatting networks. It also adds Yahoo Pingbox, which lets you chat with Web site owners in real time.

Editor's review of Yahoo Messenger

Yahoo Messenger 9 retains all the voice, chat, and drag-and-drop capabilities of its predecessors, and adds a lot more visual pizazz and some key functionality. One biggie feature is contact importing, which scours your other IM, e-mail, and social-networking accounts for friends that are also signed up on Yahoo IM. You can then ask some or all of your friends to add you and can invite others to sign up. Another favorite new trick is the ability to see images and videos displayed inside the chat window when you or a pal drops in a public URL.

Other notable changes include the visual skin picker to switch up the look, and Pingbox, a chat window site owners can embed to chat with visitors in real time. Users should note that the download stub will finish installing the program online, and that the download bundles the Yahoo Toolbar. In the preinstallation window, click over to Custom Install to deselect add-ons you don't want. We could also live without the heavy-handed Yahoo branding, and it would be nice to see a link to hidden smileys in the emoticon drop-down, but these are minor niggles when weighed against the benefits of an easy-to-use, feature-rich chat client that only continues to improve.

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Media Jukebox 12

License : Free

Requirements :
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista

Limitations : No limitations

Size : 12,1MB

Media Jukebox software is a complete solution for digital music management and playback. It plays all major music formats, so you only have to use one player. Use it for full-speed ripping, burning, and encoding your music collection with automatic CD, Album art and Track look-up. It is device friendly and syncs to your iPod, PlaysForSure device, and many phones. It has the best file organization of any digital jukebox, and lets you easily create custom Playlists and Smartlists, and tag your files with the powerful tagging studio. Personalize your listening experience and get the best sound performance with EQ, DSP and audio effects - audiophiles will not be disappointed by the top-notch sound output. Many skins to choose from. Built-in services include the new Amazon MP3 store, and the Podcast feature lets you search and subscribe to podcasts from within the player. Media Jukebox is free.

Version 12 adds support for Cowon D2 device

Editor's review of Media Jukebox

The J. River Media Jukebox is a stripped-down but free version of the popular J. River Media Center. Popular in its own right, Media Jukebox uses the same interface as its big brother to deliver a feature set that's anything but little, but strictly limited to music support. Those in search of video and image compatibility will need to download the Media Center.

The program mimics the iTunes interface in a way that could benefit from more inspiration, but it doesn't stop the extras from shining through. You'll be able to burn and rip CDs, sync with just about any portable--including iPods, tag tracks, and convert files to several popular formats. It has browser support letting you buy music from Amazon and plug-ins for several services including Last.fm so you can find new music based on your taste. You also have your choice of skins you can download to give your player a new look. Playlists are also supported.

Former problems with encoding have been largely taken care of. Instead of providing access to CDDB, Media Jukebox uses a proprietary database that works fine with commercial CDs, but not quite as well with backup CD-R copies. Database crashes are largely a thing of the past, and we didn't encounter any with the latest release. Other limitations in the Media Jukebox that get freed in the paid version include plug-in support, TV recording, and support for Audible. We also had to restart the computer after installation, which was annoying if not problematic. Nevertheless, Media Jukebox is a good choice for users who are focused on their music collections and want a change from iTunes.

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Need for Speed Carbon

License : Free to try; $39.99 to buy

Requirements :
Windows 2000/XP, 1.7GHZ CPU, 512MB RAM, 64MB VRAM

Limitations : Three tracks, three car modes

Size :

What starts in the city is settled in the canyons as Need for Speed Carbon immerses you into the world's most dangerous and adrenaline-filled form of street racing. You and your crew must race in an all-out war for the city, risking everything to take over your rivals' neighborhoods one block at a time. As the police turn up the heat, the battle ultimately shifts to Carbon Canyon, where territories and reputations can be lost on every perilous curve. Need for Speed Carbon delivers the next generation of customization giving you the power to design and tweak your crew's cars in every way using new Autosculpt technology.

Take a ride around three tracks with three car modes in this demo

Editor's review of Need for Speed Carbon demo

Though the graphics look better than ever, Need for Speed Carbon seems like a throwback to the early days of the series, when we spent most of our time outracing cops in the desert. The racing action is as fast and furious as ever, and this edition incorporates both city and canyon racing for a variety of thrills and spills. The download is large and the installation lengthy, but the provided content offers an excellent trial of the full version. Customize one of three cars--Chevy Camaro SS, Lamborghini Gallardo, or Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX, in Muscle, Tuner, and Exotic classes, respectively--with the AutoSculpt feature, then take to the city streets with two races to claim territories as your own and unlock a two-car duel along the canyon.

After a brief disclaimer from digitized model Emmanuelle Vaugier and a reminder to always wear your seatbelt, you're transported to the car-selection screen, where you pick your weapon, tweak it as you see fit, then take it into battle. The Circuit Race pits you and three teammates against four of the Scorpions. If anyone on your team finishes first, you win. The Drift Race forces you into many tight curves that require drifting. The more curves you drift through, the more points you earn. The last, unlockable race along the canyon starts in medias res, as you must follow a Scorpion car tightly, then lose him when you take the lead. There's not enough here to keep anyone driving forever, but there's still plenty of fun to be had with this well-produced demo.

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Windows Media Player 11

License : Free

Requirements : Windows XP

Limitations :
No limitations

Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP offers great new ways to store and enjoy all your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV. Play it, view it, and sync it to a portable device for enjoying on the go or even share with devices around your home all from one place.

Simplicity In Design: Bring a whole new look to your digital entertainment. More of the Music You Love: Breathe new life into your digital music experience. All Your Entertainment in One Place: Store and enjoy all of your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV. Enjoy Everywhere: Stay connected with your music, video, and pictures no matter where you are. Check out the new Media Sharing feature.

Editor's review of Windows Media Player

The latest iteration of Windows Media Player adds a lot of useful bells and whistles, succeeding in many ways as a competitor to iTunes for Windows. A tree-style file directory makes it easy to find the music you want quickly, and a simple search box gets you where you want to go immediately. A five-star rating system lets you rate your music, then organize it by rating, so it's easy to group your favorite songs. Drag-and-drop functionality and a handy Create Playlist button take any confusion out of the process of making your own playlists. Creating the perfect mix CD is equally as easy--simply drag and drop songs into a Burn List in the right panel, then click Start Burn to finish. Ripping was reasonably fast on our test machine, and the program let us pick our preferred bit rate and audio file type.

The biggest new feature in WMP11 is the ability to sign up with paid music and video services. Without registering, we were able to browse various sites and compare prices among services including XM Radio--all from the Windows Media Player interface. We like the new, cleaner look, and the back and forward buttons make it easier to navigate. The ability to sort music by year released makes for some great reminiscing. Overall, we think the latest Windows Media Player offers almost everything you need for every type of media, making it a solid choice for an all-in-one jukebox.

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Outlook on the Desktop 1.4.5

Size : 495KB

Publisher : http://www.outlookonthedesktop.com/

Release Date : 2008-08-06

OS : Win 2000/XP/2003/Vista

License : Freeware

Publisher's Description :

Put the Microsoft Outlook calendar right on your desktop so that it´s visible and useable all the time without actually having to open Outlook.

Places fully functional Microsoft Outlook Calendar on your Desktop.
The Outlook Calendar is pinned to your desktop so that no windows can get stuck behind it.
The Calendar's position, size and opacity are all adjustable via a very intuitive GUI.
A tray Icon (complete with the day of the month) is provided to to configure the app and perform other actions.
Multiple-Monitor Support.
Ability to switch between calendar, inbox, contacts, tasks and notes views.

Windows XP or higher
Microsoft Outlook 2000 SP3 or higher
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (The setup program will download and install it for you if you don't have it)

What's New in version 1.4.5:
[Fixed] Startup problems encountered by some people.
[Fixed] Various minor bugs.

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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Patch 1.31

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Patch 1.31, free software share

Developer : Activision

Filesize : 29.40 MB

File Name : GH3_1.31_Patch.zip

License : Free

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Patch description  

 Fire up the fretboard, crank up the amp and get ready to rock like never before. Guitar Hero III drops you into the spotlight of the largest and most legendary rock concert ever.

The star-studded soundtrack includes master tracks by such legendary artists as The Rolling Stones, Beastie Boys, Muse and Pearl Jam. With added songs as made legendary by Kiss, Alice Cooper and Heart. Now drop that air guitar, tune your exclusive new Les Paul Guitar Controller and shred the night away with Guitar Hero III and its wonderful gameplay.

Note: This patch fixes an "Emulator Detected" error that appears on some machines after applying the previous patch (1.3).

Here are some key features of "Guitar Hero III":

· Over 45 of the most legendary rock anthems of all-time
· Added multiplayer modes � arcade inspired battle and the dual shredding co-op career
· Challenge the legends of rock and roll in boss battles
· Take those axe shredding skills online and rock live around the world
· Expand upon your Guitar Hero experience with downloadable songs, themes and picture packs
· See how you match up against the best in the world on the Leaderboards
· All-new tricked out venues taking you to hell and back
· Your favorite characters freshly fitted with a few new faces


· Operating System: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista 
· CPU Processor: Intel Pentium D (Dual Core) 2.8GHZ or AMD Athlon 64 3500+ 
· Memory: XP - 1 GB RAM, Vista � 2GB RAM 
· Hard Disk Space: 5.1 GB + 1GB Swap File 
· Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card 
· Video Card: 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required � 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 128 MB Video Memory 
· Video Card (ATI): Radeon X800 
· Video Card (Nvidia): Geforce 7600 
· Media Required: 4X DVD-ROM drive 
· Windows XP/Vista compatible mouse and keyboard with latest drivers 
· Guitar Hero 3 Official PC Guitar Controller 

Multiplayer requirements:
· Internet(TCP/IP) play supported 
· Internet play requires a broadband connection 

Recommended system requirements:
· Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHZ or AMD Athlon Dual Core 4400+ 
· 256 MB 3D Hardware Accelerator Card 
· Video Card (ATI): Radeon HD 2600 
· Video Card (Nvidia): Geforce 8800 GT 
· 2 GB RAM

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7-Zip 4.60 Beta

free software share freeware winrar

Web : www.7-zip.org

File size : 0,8 MB

License : Freeware

Requirement : Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista, Linux

7-Zip is open source software. Most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. The unRAR code is under a mixed license: GNU LGPL + unRAR restrictions.

You can use 7-Zip on any computer, including a computer in a commercial organization. You don't need to register or pay for 7-Zip. But you can make a donation to support further development of 7-Zip.

    The main features of 7-Zip

  • High compression ratio in new 7z format with LZMA compression
    • Supported formats:
    • Packing / unpacking: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR
    • Unpacking only: RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, MSI, WIM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS

  • For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 %
  • better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip
  • Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats
  • Self-extracting capability for 7z format
  • Integration with Windows Shell
  • Powerful File Manager
  • Powerful command line version
  • Plugin for FAR Manager
  • Localizations for 69 languages

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GNU Image Manipulation Program (Gimp 2.4.7)

free software share games photoshop

File Size : 14,2 MB

Web: www.gimp.org

Licence : Freeware

Requirement : Windows Xp/Vista, Mac OS, Linux, Unix, Sun Solaris

People nickname it " Free Photoshop". Besides a lot of its consumer, programmer that make it also a lot of. Just enunciated it, because this application below/under license GNU, hence whoever can become the volunteer to develop it. last Stable version which release is 2.4.6, and nowadays is being developed by version 2.5 

Even function of Gimp(Gnu Image Manipulation Program) similar of Photoshop, but this application window a few/little differing. At Photoshop, window and tool stay in one window. At Gimp altogether come up apart. 

Corpulent Its Fitur progressively. worthwhile new fitur for manipulating  photo made available. Start from chanel mixer which you Can exploit for the making of flexible black and white photo, automatic distortion oerspektif repair, till interface which can customed making workmanship become easier 

Application which is suited for system of Microsoft Windows ( XP, Vista), Linux(I386, PPC), Mac Os X, Sun Opensolaris, and this Freebsd also provide the orderer application collect the photo. Others, its expurgation facility more and more the komplet. Besides which standard, like channels, layers dn masks, filter and effect, tabbed pallets, editable text tools, and color operations, made available also size measure of paintbrush which can be altered, new colour menu, fullscreen editing, red eye removal, till perspective clone.

Changes in GIMP 2.4.7

- fixed issue in GIF load plug-in (bug #535888)
- fixed event handling in MIDI controller (bug #537960)
- fixed handling of the 'Highlight' tool option in Crop and Rectangle
Select tools (bug #536582)
- various fixes to the Python bindings:
- fixed crash with Python 2.5 on 64 bit systems (bug #540629)
- added missing validity checks (bug #536403)
- allow to pass None for PDB_DISPLAY
- plugged a memory leak in gimp-text-get-extents-fontname PDB call
- fixed potential timeout issues in org.gimp.GIMP.UI D-Bus service
- fixed endianness issue in the ICO save plug-in (bug #529629)
- translation fixes and updates (be, it, lt, nn, vi)

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DivX for Windows

free software share computer internet, game online
Author : DivX Networks 

Size : 19.7 MB 

License : Freeware 

Requires : Win All

Publisher's Description 

DivX is a package that includes all the DivX codec, player, utilities, and documentation.

DivX® is the brand name of the world's most popular video compression technology. At its core, DivX is a codec (short for compression/decompression) - a piece of software that compresses video from virtually any source down to a size that is transportable over the Internet without reducing the original video's visual quality. 

With DivX® video technology, you can compress a DVD to a fraction of its original size. DivX video compression is so efficient you can fit the entire contents of a DVD on a regular data CD with virtually no loss in quality. Now you can take any digital video content, from home movies to your personal DVD collection and save it on CDs to share with friends or store it on your computer's hard drive without spending huge amounts on extra storage. 

The DivX for Windows download includes: 

# DivX Player 6.8.4 
# DivX Codec 6.8.4 
# DivX Web Player 1.4

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Borland C++ v5.02

Borland C++ is a C and C++ programming environment (used to be called an Integrated Development Environment) for DOS, Windows, and Windows NT. As a successor of Turbo C++, it started with a graphical Windows interface even for developing DOS applications. Its better debugger, the Turbo Debugger, was written in protected mode DOS.

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Other Version :

Borland c 3

The DOS Based Turbo C++ Compiler version 3
It also contains extra source codes for easy learning

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iTunes 7.7.1

License : Free 

Requirements : Windows XP/Vista 

Limitations : No limitations

Size : 60,59MB

iTunes, the award-winning digital-jukebox software, is now available for Mac and Windows. The iTunes Music Store offers Windows users the same online music store as Mac users, with the same music catalog, the same personal-use rights, and the same 99-cents-per-song pricing. With music from all five major music companies and more than 600 independent labels, the iTunes Music Store catalog now offers more than 1,000,000 songs. Features include a free download with no hidden charges for extra features, MP3 and pristine-quality AAC-encoding from audio CDs, smart playlists, more than 250 free Internet radio stations, and the ability to burn custom playlists to CDs and MP3 CDs, to burn content to DVDs to back up an entire music collection, and to share music via Rendezvous over any network, cross-platform.

Version 7.7.1 contains minor enhancements and bug fixes.

Please note that downloading this program takes you to a third-party Web site.

Editor's review of iTunes 

Although iTunes has always been one of the best pieces of jukebox software available, the company improved upon a great thing with version 7, which has added enhanced video capabilities, ringtone editing for the iPhone and new ways to view your music library. 

A cleaned-up left sidebar makes finding your music and videos a snap and the new Album and Cover-Flow view options let you flip through CDs in style. The built-in video player accommodates both your own files and ones bought at the iTunes Store. Right-clicking a clip lets you render it iPod-compatible. With the addition of full-length movies at the iTunes Store, you can now view near-DVD quality movies at a resolution of 640x480.

Purchasing and playing videos is almost identical to performing the same actions with music, so seasoned users will have no trouble. The workflow is equally similar for purchasing and installing iPhone applications from the App Store. Old popular features remain intact including seamless iPod integration, smart playlists, CD burning, label printing, the ability to rip files in multiple formats (except WMA), network sharing, and, of course, the enormously successful iTunes Store. The iTunes Store also offers DRM-free, higher sound quality songs, but they're more expensive than the standard $0.99, as are ringtones. Movie rentals start at $2.99, and can be purchased for $9.99.

Rounding out the feature set are parental controls, integrated podcasts, and a smart-shuffle option. iTunes is sometimes clunky on Windows, and can cause significant processor slowdowns. Still, it remains a top-notch player and iTunes 7 should find a home on any media junkie's computer.

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Safari Browser 3.525.21.0

Title : Safari Browser 3.525.21.0 

Requirements : Windows XP/2000 Pro/Server 2003/Vista/2000 Server 

License : Freeware  

Publisher : Apple Inc.

Safari is a popular web browser developed by Apple originally for Mac OS X and later ported to Windows. Safari has several advanced features: 

* Easy Bookmarks: Organize your bookmarks just like you organize music in iTunes. 
* Pop-up Blocking: Say goodbye to annoying pop-up ads and pop-under windows. 
* Find: Search any text on any website with the integrated Find banner. 
* Tabbed Browsing: Open and switch between multiple web pages in a single window. 
* SnapBack: Instantly snap back to search results or the top level of a website. 
* Forms AutoFill: Let Safari complete online forms for you, automatically and securely. 
* RSS: RSS tells you when new content is added to your favorite sites. 
* Resizable Text Fields: Resize text fields on any website: Just grab the corner and drag. 
* Private Browsing: Keep your online activities private with a single click.

Safari From Editor :

Steve Jobs once said that iTunes on Windows was like “giving ice water to someone in hell”. Today, Apple is giving more ice water to the people of hell by releasing a public beta of Safari 3.0 to Windows users. 

According to Apple, Safari 3.0 is 2 times faster than Internet Explorer and 1.6 times faster than Firefox 2 when loading pages. Safari 3 also executes JavaScript up to 2.8 times faster than Internet Explorer and up to 1.6 times faster than Firefox 2.0.

What’s new?
Improved inline find. When using the Find Command in Safari (cmd-f), a find bar will appear on top allowing you to enter your search term. When a matched text is found, Safari will dim the page and show the selected match with an orange background with white border.
Drag and drop tabs.
Resizable text field — Safari lets you resize textarea forms.

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BayGenie eBay Auction Sniper Free 3.1.3

  • License : Free
  • Requirements : Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista
  • Limitations : No limitations
  • Size : 1.35MB

BayGenie eBay Auction Sniper Free places bids in the last seconds of auctions. Features: supports 16 countries of eBay international sites, supports all time zones, no spyware, pop-ups, or adware, secure connections (ssl), fast data transmission, auto update of new versions. Version 3.1.3 has set the default time server to use eBay server.

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Penumbra 1.1

License : Free

Requirements : Windows 2000/XP, 1GHz, 256MB RAM, Radeon 8500/GeForce 3+, 400MB disk space

Limitations : No limitations

Size : 156.84MB

Penumbra is a free, first-person horror adventure game that uses the latest graphics technologies and physics to create an immersive game world. The protagonist finds himself in an underground base searching for his lost father. It's dark, scary, and dangerous.

Version 1.1 adds multilanguage support, extended support for older video cards, extended configuration options for video cards, a new installer, and minor additions and fixes.

Editor's review of Penumbra

The best games keep you on the edge of your seat, and this first-person shooter does the job nicely. With a 3D engine built from the ground up by the game's developers, you'll feel the tension as you skulk down dark hallways in search of your father with your flashlight drawn, wondering what will jump out at you next. Penumbra's excellent physics make items react and move in a realistic way. We also like the great sound effects and eerie music, which add to the overall creepy factor as we search the vast maze of underground tunnels and hallways. On our initial run the game crashed once, but we were able to get up and running after that. First-person-shooter addicts and anyone who enjoys a scare factor in their games will definitely like Penumbra.

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Flash Player 9.0.115

License : Free 

Requirements : Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003 Server, Internet Explorer 6 

Limitations : No limitations

Size : 1.4 MB

Flash Player 9 is a lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones, and devices.

Flash Player 9 builds on the advances in Flash Player 8 by focusing on three main areas: creating a more robust programming model, achieving standards compliance, and improving performance. Version 9.0.115 includes unspecified updates.

Editor's review of Flash Player

Adobe's latest version of the Flash Player browser plug-in is just as trouble-free as previous versions, existing unobtrusively in your system until Web-based animations, games, or ubiquitous Flash ads require its services. The latest version, with its tiny size, downloads and installs quickly. Our tests turned up nothing to make us scratch our heads. In one odd occurrence, at one site viewed with Internet Explorer we were prompted to install Flash Player 9 before viewing a video file--even though we had already done so and used it at other sites with no difficulty. We experienced no similar oddities while using Firefox.

You need a Flash Player to experience the Web at its fullest, so users at any level of expertise should have no qualms about installing or upgrading to Flash Player 9.

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Traffic Travis 3.0

License : Free; Paid upgrade available 

Requirements : Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista 

Limitations : No limitations

Traffic Travis is search engine optimization software with a twist. Find keywords, analyze backlinks, see where a Web site ranks for hundreds of search terms, track movements in the results pages over time, score your SEO efforts and see what you need to improve. Traffic Travis also includes comprehensive PPC research and analysis tools, with which you can find profitable PPC keywords, analyze your competitors' campaigns over time.

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CrossLoop 2.20

License : Free

Requirements : Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista

Limitations : No limitations

Size :
2.38 MB

CrossLoop is a free, secure screen-sharing utility designed for people of all technical skill levels. CrossLoop extends the boundaries of traditional screen sharing by enabling non-technical users to get connected from anywhere on the Internet in seconds without changing any firewall or router settings. It only takes a few minutes to setup and no sign up is required. Security is built into all aspects of CrossLoop.

Session data is encrypted at the end-points before being sent using a 128-bit encryption algorithm and a randomly generated 12-digit access code. CrossLoop includes file transfer support, and switch control feature. Adds creation of a free CrossLoop accounts to create a dynamic public profile page, reserve your custom CrossLoop URL, view your session history, as well as widgets to promote yourself as a tech support specialist.

Version 2.20 enables any Helper to show his/her availability to any customer seeking help and get notified of leads immediately.

Editor's review of CrossLoop

CrossLoop provides a quick, easy, and completely free way to give a colleague, a friend, or a relative access to your computer. After installation, your PC will be assigned a 12-digit access code each time you start the program. You then give that number to another user to virtually share your desktop. Once connected, that user will have full access to your machine.

The odd nature of sharing a desktop cursor and the inability to add multiple users makes CrossLoop illogical for proper business presentations. However, the complete system access and 128-bit encrypted connection combine to create a great solution for low-budget, long-distance tech support. Guests can use any app and save files on your computer, as if they were sitting in front of the machine. No router configuration is required--a big plus. File transfers are now supported, but the purpose here remains collaboration: CrossLoop doesn't work without explicit permission from the host.

Since simplicity is a key attraction, it lacks more advanced features, and the connection must be made in two minutes or it times out. While the interface and the features are simple, CrossLoop offers a secure and fast method for two users to collaborate on one PC.

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ZoneAlarm Firewall (Windows 2000/XP) 7.0.483

License : Free 

Requirements : Windows 2000/XP/Vista 

Limitations : No limitations

Size : 44.66 MB

ZoneAlarm is designed to protect your DSL- or cable-connected PC from hackers. This program includes four interlocking security services: a firewall, an application control, an Internet lock, and Zones. The firewall controls the door to your computer and allows only traffic you understand and initiate. The Internet lock blocks Internet traffic while your computer is unattended or while you're not using the Internet, and it can be activated automatically with your computer's screensaver or after a set period of inactivity. Zones monitor all activity on your computer and alert you when a new application attempts to access the Internet. Version 7.0.483 is a bug fixing release.

Note : ZoneAlarm is free for individual and not-for-profit charitable entity use (excluding governmental entities and educational institutions). Advanced features are available.

Editor's review of ZoneAlarm Firewall (Windows 2000/XP)

An effective and easy-to-use firewall program, ZoneAlarm does a great job of keeping your PC safe from a variety of threats. ZoneAlarm uses a simple wizard to make configuring a firewall, which seems like a daunting task to many computer users, incredibly easy. 

Maintaining and updating settings also is a snap when you're using the stylish interface and its simple slider controls. The program's Zones feature allows you to assign different security levels for a local network and for the Internet. 

A great recent addition is small but quite helpful. A new "Game Mode" lets you automatically allow or deny alerts when you're in the middle of playing a video game. We found ZoneAlarm very good at recognizing and automatically including settings for our local network.

In all our tests, the firewall guarded against all external and internal threats it encountered. ZoneAlarm is an excellent firewall choice for just about any average user.

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Returnil Virtual System Personal Edition 2

License : Free 

Requirements : Windows XP/2003 Server/Vista 

Limitations : No limitations

Size : 2.12 MB

The Returnil Virtual System Personal Edition provides an altogether different and highly complimentary level of defense. It is designed to protect your computer from all types of software, downloads, websites or anything else that might harbor viruses, spyware and other malicious programs. Returnil virtualization technology clones a computers System Partition and boots the PC into this system rather than native Windows, allowing you run your applications in a completely isolated environment. Hence the session and all activity, malicious or otherwise, will happen in the virtual environment, not in the real PC environment. If the PC is attacked or gets infected, all you need to do is to simply reboot the PC to erase all changes. After reboot, the system will be restored to its original state, as if nothing ever happened. All of this without sacrificing computer performance or usability while helping to reduce technical support intervention and the need for routine maintenance.

Editor's review of Returnil Virtual System Personal Edition

The premise behind this free utility that complements your PC's security system is interesting, but we ran into some glitches while working during its protection sessions.

Our introduction to the Returnil Virtual System Personal Edition was a very slow installation, which is understandable, because the software creates a new partition on the systems hard drive. It's essentially a mirror of the system that acts as an isolated work environment that protects your actual system by preventing downloads and such from accessing it. Instead, anything created in this pocket of your drive--this virtual partition--is erased when you reboot.

The utility adds an icon to the system tray and a small Returnil bar, always on top, near the top of the monitor screen. Clicking the bar lets you configure the utility's settings and open or close the virtual partition. However, doing so isn't as simple as running a basic DOS shell, because turning Returnil's protection on or off requires the system to reboot. This is a minor speed bump if you're working with potentially destructive software or visiting Web sites that may attempt to load malware, but it certainly slows productivity.

We also encountered two problems. First, while booting up, Windows Explorer would shut down and relaunch, slowing the entire launch cycle. Second, when our Internet browser displayed a pop-up alert, any open tabs other than the active tab would spontaneously close. There weren't any settings to correct this frustrating behavior. While we liked the concept of this utility, there are some bugs that need to get worked out before we can recommend it.

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Trend Micro Hijackthis 2.0.2

License : Free 

Requirements : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP 

Limitations : No limitations

Size : 793,3 Kb

HijackThis lists the contents of key areas of the Registry and hard drive--areas that are used by both legitimate programmers and hijackers. The program is continually updated to detect and remove new hijacks. It does not target specific programs and URLs, only the methods used by hijackers to force you onto their sites.

As a result, false positives are imminent, and unless you're sure about what you're doing, you always should consult with knowledgeable folks before deleting anything. Version 2.0.2 includes unspecified updates.

Editor's review of Trend Micro HijackThis

If persistent spyware is bogging down your computer, you might need HijackThis. The tiny program examines vulnerable or suspect parts of your system, such as browser helper objects and certain types of Registry keys. Pressing the Scan button generates a log of dozens of items, most of which are just customizations. Don't check off an item and hit the Fix Checked button unless you're sure it's malware. Clicking Info on Selected Item tells you why the entry was flagged as suspicious, but not whether it's actually malware. To find that out, search the Web for that item's name or go straight to a forum, such as SpywareInfo or Computer Cops. Saving the log creates a text document you can post to these forums.

The latest version adds powerful tools to the Config window. The process manager and hosts file editor help you excise virulent infections. The unique ADS Spy tool scans for alternate data streams, which some browser hijackers use to hide from spyware removers. The program still installs into whatever directory in which you unzip the file, which can make it hard to locate. HijackThis is a serious tool for any user who needs to root out a serious infestation, but wield it with caution.

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LogonStudio 1

License : Free

Requirements : Windows XP 

Limitations : No limitations

LogonStudio is a free program that allows users to change their Windows XP logon screens. It comes with several logon screens to choose from, along with thousands that are available online from Web sites, such as WinCustomize.com. It also includes an editor for creating your own logon screen.

Editor's review of LogonStudio

Longing for some change in your life? Why not start with that boring old Windows XP logon screen? With the freeware LogonStudio, choosing another screen is a matter of two clicks. Alternately, you can design your own with a built-in editor.

The first option is a lot easier. About 30 cool screens are available on the WinCustomize site, and the program can randomly select one on every boot. Editing is less straightforward. You build or modify logon screens by tweaking parameters on a lengthy list of elements. So you might, for instance, change the FirstColor parameter of the Centre Panel element to a new shade of blue. This allows you to customize everything from background to letterings to buttons, but beginners will find the process quite confusing. The sketchy online help isn't much assistance, either.

LogonStudio is best for users familiar with programming languages such as Visual Basic, whose development tools use a similar interface.

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Diablo III Wallpaper pack

License : Free 

Requirements : Requirements unavailable 

Limitations : No limitations

This wallpaper pack contains three wallpapers in seven sizes each for the game Diablo III. Each of the three wallpapers comes in the sizes 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, and 1920x1200.

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Dark Knight Virtual Wallpaper 1.0

License : Free 

Requirements : Windows 95/98/2000/XP 

Limitations : No limitations

This batman virtual wallpaper is designed to make your desktop the envy of your office, home, or school. This is the first wallpaper of its kind because it allow the wallpaper to actually move virtually making it look like the image is alive or in some cases make you feel like the image you are watching is real. The benefits are that the wallpaper itself is high resolution it does not use a lot of your precious ram memory or CPU or processor. You can also turn it on or off at your discretion. Please read the read me file for instructions on how to operate the software.

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Rising Antivirus Free Edition 20.56

License : Freeware Free

OS : Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT

Requirements : No special requirements

Publisher : Rising Antivirus International 

Homepage : http://www.rising-global.com

Rising Antivirus Free Edition 20.56 Description

"Free antivirus protects your computer from viruses,Trojans,and malicious program"

RISING Antivirus protects your computers against all types of viruses, Trojans, Worms, Rootkits and other malicious programs. Easy to use, Active Defense technology, Patented Unknown Virus technology and Patented Scan and Clean Smartupdate technology make RISING Antivirus install and forget product and entitles you to focus on your own jobs with your computer.

Key Features: Proactive Defence Technology, Patented Scanning Technology for Unknown Viruses, Patented Fully Automatic SmartUpdate, Smart Virtual Machine with Behaviour and Packing Pattern Recognition, Application Protection, Self Protection, Application Access Control, Program Startup Control, Malicious Behavior Detection, Hidden Process Detection,Computer Security Check, Security Tool Integration Platform.

Rising Antivirus Free Edition is a solution with no cost to personal users while still provides the SAME level of detection and protection capability as Rising Antivirus! Free edition has all the functionalities as Rising Antivirus 2008.

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Vista Themes

License : Freeware

OS : Windows 2003, XP

Requirements : No Special Requirements

Publisher : Vishal Gupta

Homepage : http://www.AskVG.com

"VistaVG Ultimate/Blue Theme for Windows XP."
Vista Theme For Windows XP.

This themes pack includes two VistaVG Themes: VistaVG Ultimate & VistaVG Blue. Both of these were created by Microsoft MVP - 'Vishal Gupta'.

NOTE: Before you use these third-party themes, you may patch the Uxtheme.dll.


1. Titlebar Text is shown in Left now.
2. Common Tasks are also shown in Left but I have included a shellstyle.dll file for bottom common tasks.
3. Aero style for 32x icon size is default now.
4. Lots of new Vista images, like All Programs arrow, Explorer arrows, Startmenu images, Logoff/Shutdown images, etc.
5. A few colors changed.

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Microsoft Word Viewer 2003 1.0

License : Freeware Free

OS : Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT

Requirements : no special requirement

Publisher : Microsoft Corporation

Homepage: http://www.microsoft.com

Microsoft Word Viewer 2003 1.0 Description

"open Word 2003 document created with all previous Word.business card size"

Word Viewer 2003 lets you open Word 2003 documents and documents created with all previous versions of Microsoft Word for Windows and Microsoft Word for Macintosh. In addition to Word document files (.doc), you can also open files saved in the following formats:border microsoft word

Rich Text Format (.rtf)
Text (.txt)
Web Page formats (.htm, .html, .mht, .mhtml)
WordPerfect 5.x (.wpd)
WordPerfect 6.x (.doc, .wpd)
Works 6.0 (.wps)
Works 7.0 (.wps)
XML (.xml)

With Word Viewer 2003, you can view, print, and copy document contents to another program. However, you cannot edit an open document, save a document, or create a new document. This download is a replacement for Word 97 Viewer and all previous Word Viewer versions. business card size

NOTE: So long as you comply with the other license terms for the Microsoft Office Word 2003 Viewer, you may distribute such viewer without a document created by Microsoft Office. microsoft trial word

Compatibility Pack for the Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats
To reduce file size, improve reliability, and enhance integration with external sources, Microsoft has added new file formats to Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007. To help ensure that you can open files in these new formats, Microsoft has developed a Compatibility Pack for the Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats. By installing the Compatibility Pack after you install the Word Viewer 2003, you can view documents that are saved in the following new document formats:
Microsoft Office Word 2007 document (.docx)
Microsoft Office Word 2007 macro-enabled document (.docm)
Note: When you use the Word Viewer 2003 to view files that are saved in these formats, you will see a Word 2003 version of the file. The following Word 2007 items will be affected:
Features that do not exist in Word 2003

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Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1

License : Freeware Free

OS : Windows 2003, XP

Requirements : No Special Requirements

Publisher : Windows X's Shrine

Homepage : http://www.windowsxlive.net

Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1 Description

"Replicate the look and feel of Windows Vista on their Windows XP/2003."

I'm pretty sure you must know and have seen Windows Vista before. It looks really nice for major GUI updates. Many people who have seen it wish to get Vista-style looks for their operating system. It might sounds stupid to say this since you all know what it is but just bear it :P This program will transform your Windows user interface to ultimate Windows Vista alike looks that everyone will never notice it's the same old Windows XP (or 2003) 

Vista Transformation Pack will replace many of the resources in Windows XP/Windows Server 2003. It can change such things as: 

Boot screen 
Welcome Screen / Logon Screen 
New msstyles files (visual styles) 
New desktop and file icons 
New toolbar icons 
Progress Dialogs 
Sounds scheme 
System Tray icons 
New Wallpapers 
Windows Media Player Skins 
And much more 

Changes in Version 8.0.1
-Fixed pre-configuration specifications to improve performance (Removed unstable applications from list)
-Fixed TrueTransparencyâ??s stability (some settings in skin causing input hook problems)
-Fixed Visualtooltip configuration when user accidently deletes the configuration files in there
-Removed backup filesâ?? status and put CPU model instead (obsolete checking)
-Updated system filesâ?? status report to â??Out of syncâ?? and repairing system files information
-Updated user account configuration system for more subtle performance

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Counter Strike 2D Beta

License : Freeware Free

OS : Windows XP, 2000, Me

Requirements : 640x480 Screen resolution,DirectX 9.0c

Publisher : Unreal Software 

Homepage : http://www.unrealsoftware.de/

Counter Strike 2D Beta Description

"Counter-Strike 2D is a 2D clone of one of the most famous multiplayer games"
Counter-Strike 2D is a 2D clone of one of the most famous multiplayer games ever created: Counter-Strike, by Valve Software. Its main difference from the original game is that Counter-Strike 2D is completely transferred to two dimensions, which allows you to enjoy this game even with the lowest system resources.

Here's what Counter Strike 2D has to offer:
Online gaming (Internet and LAN)
Offline gaming with and versus bots
A lot of different weapons
Different missions such as hostage rescue or bomb planting
3D accelerated special effects
3D sounds
Fog of war for tactical gaming
Entity system
Console & scripting

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Transformers: The Game

License : Freeware Free

OS : Windows Vista, XP

Requirements : No special requirements

Publisher : DreamWorks LLC. 

Homepage : http://www.dreamworks.com

Transformers: The Game - Description

After years and years of waiting, Transformers fans finally have a big-budget, US-released action game starring the robots in disguise to call their very own. Titled simply Transformers, this new third-person shooter from Atari is based on the recent Transformers toys and cartoon series, which have subtitles like Armada and Energon, rather than the original toy line and television show from the early '80s that most 20-something gamers will be most familiar with. However, you'll still find plenty of (slightly modified) familiar faces in the game, like Optimus Prime, Starscream, and Megatron. More importantly, once you dig into Transformers' gameplay, you'll find a surprisingly intense combat model that's pretty tough but also rewarding once you get a handle on it. 

The storyline in Transformers can be reduced to 'Autobots versus Decepticons' without much effort. You'll play as one of three autobots--everybody's favorite Optimus Prime; the well-rounded Red Alert; and the quicker, weaker Hot Shot--and you'll fight your way through a linear progression of stages, blasting everything in sight. Both factions are scouring the earth in search of the mini-cons, a long-lost race of miniature transformers whom the big guys can equip to gain new weapons and other abilities. Each of the game's seven regular levels has several mini-cons scattered throughout, some that are harder to find than others, and you'll be able to revisit completed levels later to pick up mini-cons that you missed or couldn't access before.

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DirectX 9.0c

License : Freeware Free

OS: Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT

Requirements : No special requirements

Publisher : Microsoft Corporation

Homepage : http://www.microsoft.com

"DirectX is the multimedia system foundation for Windows operating systems."
DirectX is the multimedia system foundation for Windows operating systems. Through DirectX, programs take full advantage of your system to give you the best multimedia experience possible. 

This latest version of DirectX offers updated graphics, faster frame rates, and support for massive multiplayer games. It also offers more immersive audio when running and displaying programs rich in multimedia elements, such as full-color graphics, video, 3D animation, and surround sound. If you had an earlier version of DirectX installed on your system, you will see little difference in available space on your hard drive following the installation. DirectX 8.0a will overwrite any earlier versions and direct 9x free download.

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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Ultimate Vice City mod 2.0

License : Free 

Requirements : Windows 98/2000/Me/XP, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City retail game 

Limitations : No limitations

This is a mod for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City that adds 40 real cars, a new bridge, new billboards and more. Everything is included in an automatic installer.

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License : Free 

Requirements : Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista 

Limitations : No limitations

Trillian is a fully featured, stand-alone, skinnable chat client that supports AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC. It provides capabilities not possible with original network clients, while supporting standard features such as audio chat, file transfers, group chats, chat rooms, buddy icons, multiple simultaneous connections to the same network, server-side contact importing, typing notification, direct connection (AIM), proxy support, encrypted messaging (AIM/ICQ), SMS support, tabbed chatting, system-tray notifications and alerts, and privacy settings.

Editor's review of Trillian 

After nearly two years, Trillian is back to claim its rightful title as king of all chat clients. Version 3 offers a completely overhauled interface, tabbed chatting, enhanced messaging functionality, improved file transfers, and a new Instant Lookup feature. The program offers simultaneous access to the fab-five chat clients: Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, ICQ, mIRC, and AIM. By importing your passwords, buddy lists, and client preferences into its own interface, Trillian acts as a hub for all your chat traffic.

Installation and setup are simple, and the included features are useful. You can check supported e-mail accounts with one click, view detailed event logs for each client, and, of course, chat. Plus, each supported chat client has options such as video and voice messaging, SMS support, and file transfers. Trillian also offers skin support, although they can be a bit testy to install. While you'll occasionally lose contact with AIM, that's AOL's fault. Credit Trillian for fixing these blocks quickly.

The best thing about Trillian is that it's absolutely free--there's no adware or functionality limitations. So if you need help managing your schizophrenic chatting identity, this puppy's for you.

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